Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ham & Turkey Tasties

We could eat these little sandwiches every day, and some weeks we do! They are really easy to make and can be enjoyed either hot or cold. It's a recipe I got from my mother-in-law who also makes them quite frequently. I tweaked the recipe slightly by cutting back a bit on the butter and cheese. They freeze beautifully and travel well. We have these a lot on the boat in the summer, and they are perfect for packing lunches. They really are just the perfect little sandwich! I hope you try these today, because they are DELICIOUS! Okay let's get started!

1. Take the Hawaiian rolls out of the package and slice horizontally. 

2. Separate the top and bottom.

3. In a small bowl mix softened butter, Worcestershire sauce, dijon mustard, onion powder, and poppy seeds. Spread evenly on both sides of bread.

4. Layer the ham slices on the bottom.

 5. Layer the turkey slices on top of the ham.

 6. Place 6 provolone slices on top of turkey. Slice will overlap a little bit.

7. Place the top of the bread back on.

8. Cut out each roll. Either wrap in foil and heat until cheese is melty, serve cold, or wrap and freeze. Enjoy!

Ham & Turkey Tasties

Makes 12 rolls

1 package King's Hawaiian Rolls (I use the honey wheat ones)
5 TBSP softened butter
1 tsp. mayo
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. worcestershire  sauce
1 tsp. onion powder(or fresh grated onion)
1 tsp. poppy seeds
1/3 lb. thinly sliced deli ham(I usually get a smokehouse style ham)
1/3 lb. thinly sliced deli turkey (I usually get honey or oven-roasted style)
6 slices Provolone Cheese

Split the rolls in half lengthwise. In a small bowl mix butter, mayo, dijon mustard, worcestershire sauce, onion powder, and poppy seeds. Spread evenly on both sides of rolls. Layer on the bottom half ham, turkey, then cheese. Cover with top halves of rolls. At this point you can either wrap in foil and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes, store in the refrigerator as cold sandwiches, or wrap and freeze.