Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies EVER

My husband's favorite dessert of all time is a good chocolate chip cookie. "Love" would be an understatement for how much he enjoys them. So every now and then-probably more often than we need- I whip up a batch just for him. I will admit that most of the time I reach for the good ole' Betty Crocker pouch, but on special occasions I make this divine recipe. The recipe came from a friend of Tanner's years back named Tristan. To our family these have always been called "Tristan Cookies"; however, since you more-than-likely don't  know Tristan, I figured I would title these "The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever". To us, that is what they are, and I believe you will think so too! I normally try to put a healthier spin on recipes but NOT this one. It's definitely a diet splurge but oh so worth it! Plus it makes a ton of cookies, so I like to freeze some for later. Hope you enjoy!

In a very large bowl soften 4 sticks of butter(Yes I said it-4 Sticks!) in the microwave for a few seconds. 

Add 1 1/2 c. sugar and 2 c. brown sugar and cream until smooth.

Add 2 TBSP vanilla and 3 eggs and beat until smooth.

Mix in 1/2 tsp salt and 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Then add 6 cups of flour, one cup at a time. It got too think for my mixer after about the 4th cup, so I switched to a spoon.

Add 4 cups of chocolate chips. I recommend using semi-sweet, as these cookies are pretty rich as is.

Place a big scoop of cookie dough on parchment-line cookie sheet. I use a medium-sized cookie scoop, but you could also use a small ice cream scoop. Press down on the cookie slightly.

Bake at 350 for 12-13 minutes. The edges will look lightly brown and the center will look not quite done yet. I always tend to over-bake cookies so this step is hard for me. But trust me-take them out when they look a little under-done. Let the cookies cool on the pan for 5-10 minutes. Then transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling. Enjoy!!
Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

Makes about 4 dozen cookies 

4 sticks unsalted butter, very soft
1 1/2 C. white sugar
2 C. lightly packed brown sugar
2 TBSP Vanilla
3 large eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
6 C. flour
4 C. chocolate chips (I used semi-sweet)

In a very large bowl cream together the butter and sugars. Then add vanilla and eggs and mix until smooth. Next, add the salt and baking soda and mix. Then add the flour 1 cup at a time until blended. I used my hand mixer for the first 4 cups, and then as it got thicker I used a wooden spoon. The batter will be thick but still soft to the touch. Once all the flour is combined, add the chocolate chips. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Using a small ice cream scoop or medium cookie scoop, put a good-sized dough ball on the paper. Press down just slightly. Make sure you don't over-crowd the pan, as they will spread out a little as they cook. Bake at 350 for 12-13 minutes. They will be just lightly brown on the edges, but will look not quite done in the middle. Let cool on the pan for 5-10 minutes. Then transfer to a cooling rack until completely cool. Store in an airtight container or ziploc. These freeze well also!