Monday, March 24, 2014

5 Minute Hummus

Who knew homemade hummus was so easy??? I just may never buy store-bought hummus again! The past few years, I have really become a huge hummus fan. Mostly I eat it with tortilla chips, but it's also great with veggies or on a sandwich or wrap. I'm still trying to get the hubby into embracing it, but right now he will at least occasionally eat it with chips. Not only is hummus super tasty, but it's also really a very healthy food- full of protein and fiber, and the olive oil adds a dose of healthy fat. Usually hummus calls for an ingredient called tahini, but because I have a hard time finding it around here, I just skip it. What I love about this recipe is it is simple, yet very versatile. You can adjust the seasonings depending on your taste. The recipe is easy to double, and it freezes beautifully. Here is the basic recipe I use:

Gather your ingredients. If you don't own a food processor, you could use a blender.

Throw all ingredients in the processor. 

Pulse until smooth. Give it a taste and adjust seasonings as needed. If the flavor tastes a little strong, add a little more lemon juice which brightens it a tad.

Enjoy with a good whole grain tortilla chip or some veggies!

5-Minute Hummus

Makes about 6 servings (2 TBSP each)

1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 cloves garlic, peeled
1/4 c. olive oil
1 TBSP lemon juice-or a little more to taste
1 tsp. lemon zest
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. cumin
dash of pepper
dash of paprika

In a food processor or blender, add all the ingredients and blend until smooth. Give it a little taste and adjust seasonings and lemon juice as needed. Refrigerate in an airtight container for 3 days or freeze.

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