Sunday, December 9, 2012

Beginner Blogger

I've contemplated starting a food blog for a while now. Tanner and I have been discussing how we each need to find a hobby. As I sat on the couch the other night, searching Pinterest, I thought, "Why couldn't I start a food blog?". So as I pondered the how's and why's, I decided I would give it a go! I have a passion for cooking and food. I spend hours each week meal planning, looking up recipes, and preparing meals for me and Tanner. So my goal for this blog is to share my recipes with you. Now, I am no chef. I have not created these recipes from scratch. I take recipes from cook books, online sources, and family recipes, and I tweak them to make them my own-usually healthier than the original. I hope that you will do the same with my recipes. I am doing this blog for me, because I think it would be fun. I also think I have a lot of great recipes that other people would love too! I hope you enjoy trying some of my Delicious Dishes!

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